Saturday, December 25, 2010

National Web Portal of Bangladesh

National Web Portal of Bangladesh is maintained by our Prime Minister's Office. It's a nicely designed website having a lot of valuable information regarding Bangladesh. The portal has eight sections on home page:

  1. Law and Order
  2. University Admission
  3. Education 
  4. Market Price
  5. Recruitment
  6. Utility Services
  7. Passport  and 
  8. Environment and Forests of Bangladesh
So two sections are actually education related: University Admission and Education. This proves our government's emphasis on education.

The portal has links of other important websites of Bangladesh Government.

While the portal is very attractive and informative I have following observations:
  1. The URLs of the pages are not SEO friendly. SEO is very important for any website and SEO aspects should be kept in mind even for government websites. It's not that much hard to make the page URLs SEO friendly at all.
  2. At bottom it is mentioned that the site is based on Joomla template. This information may be a valuable information for the hackers. Such sensitive information regarding background of such an important website should not be published.
  3. Meta section says, "Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 eGovernance Portal, Bagladesh. All rights reserved."! Year 2011 is knocking our doors.
  4. Each page title starts with "National Web Portal Of Bangladesh". This common portion should be placed at the end of actual page title. 
  5. "Description" and "Keywords" meta tags aren't properly written for many pages.
Anyhow, I hope the National Web Portal of Bangladesh will help to reach our goal of Digital Bangladesh.